
While this site is no longer actively maintained, there are numerous resources here that teachers and students around the world have found valuable -- so I'm commited to keeping them available for all to use. Enjoy!

Geo Lesson Notes

PDFs of individual Geometry lessons, largely aligned with Michael Serra's Discovering Geometry textbook.

GeoGebra Geometry Canvas

GeoGebra's free dynamic Geometry canvas is an amazing way to visualize and experiment with Euclidean Geometry concepts.

Compass Constructions Videos

A collection of videos that demonstrate basic compass constructions.

Compass Constructions App

Use a virtual compass to create compass constructions. (Requires browser Java support.)

ProveIt! Standard

Interactive two-column proofs tool with a focus on triangle congruency theorems/conjectures.

ProveIt! Advanced

Interactive two-column proofs tool, organized by topic and complexity.

APCS Lessons

A collection of AP Computer Science lessons aligned with Litvin & Litvin's Java Methods.